
MissMedia Productions



Please fill out the form if interested in applying for the above mentioned position. I will get back with you within 24 hours. 

Our service are as follow:

  • marketing
  • advertising
  • creative content
  • email marketing
  • social media services
  • information products
  • creator services
  • network marketing
  • And many more




**We are currently recruiting for an inside position. If you are someone willing to learn this fast pace business, we are looking for you. We are remote friendly, child friendly, will help you get into a certified training program as well as accredited schools (if desired). The ONLY requirements are that you are able to get online daily and commit to the current project. A laptop is helpful but definitely not a requirement. Just bring a happy phone voice,  common sense, a commitment to finish what you start and a device that has the Internet. **


A little bit about me:  I have been working towards the goal of own owning my own company for 20 years. Each position I took was always a strategic position upward. I quickly moved up,  got promoted,  won each sales contest and rubbed shoulders with the most successful in Tulsa.  The saying that your network is your network is very true. My career took me all around the globe going to sales conferences, retreats with clients in Paris and running a successful start up in Arkansas (where no one had heard of our company. I single handedly out- sold the other established three stores combined in our first year of inception).  I have always had a huge imagination and strong desire for success. So, whether it was a service or physical product, each of my customers knew they were getting not only the very best in the industry but that they were each the most important person in my life and best customer the company had ever had. With a little confidence in my own intuition and guts to ask for the sell,  it was a win- win. And to this day my work ethic, ability to work with people of all facets of life,  and courage to realize what God has placed in front of me is my key to my success.         


After graduation at Oklahoma State University,  there was no way I was stopping there. I put out the word I was looking around at different schools. I had several interviews out of the state with amazing perks. I felt like a sports star being bribed and sent all over because they wanted me! I was good and I knew it. The hard work was final paying off. With each place I went,  I took serious. I let people serve me and as aquward as it was,  I enjoyed every single bit of it! After I thought I was about to just postpone it (because none of them felt right) I received a call one day unexpectedly from the school I really wanted to attend.   I had been courting them for about a year and aggressively looking to speak with the one person I needed to speak with. She had excellent gate keepers that assured me she received the latest letter,  resume, recommendation that I had sent.   So when the 214 area code displayed on my phone withfrom the University of Texas at Dallas. They had received my resume and wanted me to join an elite group of peers to get my degree but more than that we would be working closely to develop and implement the school's entire marketing deportment. Stats were lower than they had ever experienced and the school board wasn't doing anything with the budget. So,  we got in there. Divided ourselves. Organized the entire project. Actually cut the budget and we each stood together with the other on the decisions made. Not only was our grade depending on this (we all worked full time elsewhere as well as working on this project)  but the school was depending on our work to make money for the entire school. Football program, cheerleader, soccer, basketball, etc. Our sporting events were our biggest source of extra funds. We fired a few teachers,  hired a few,  and then did the same with classes. This was the BEST experience of my lifetime. I knew the seed that God placed inside me when I was 5 years old selling the opportunity to look at my feet for 25 cents was going to happen. I didn't know how nor did I know where, but I knew that my next move, was me on my own. 


Enter: MissMedia Productions. This project came about after becoming pregnant with my son.   I'm a single mom and thinking about going into an office and leaving my child in another person's care made me ill. So I began the research and where to start. One day while going through my daily routine, a need report came over the Internet. The United States was shutting all  public places down until further notice. WHAT??? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Over the next few days, the entire nation felt the same dread in the pit of their stomach. A manmade virus had started a war on our livelihood. At that moment,  Internet marketing became my way of life. 


My daily routine is researching new opportunities and including them in my email marketing. I'm still working on my millions but have 100% faith that I will make it too the top. My six year old that homeschools is very bright and helps me with all aspects of our company. He is my tech advisory.